

L’humour est une chose sérieuse. Kris Debusscher est réalisateur et agit si vous le désirez comme un script doctor afin de rendre vos films amusant pour le spectateur. Ce processus passe par un véritable échange avec les créatifs et les clients. Que ce soit pour des films, ou des spots radios. When you need a Smart Joker… My name is Kris Debusscher. I’m an experienced film director specialized in comedy (and sometimes emotion) for commercials. To any format from 3 seconds films to 30 seconds films, and believe it or not, even longer. We all know media has changed, and shooting and especially editing a commercial for tv is absolutely not the same as editing for social media and the internet. I’m here to help, to anticipate the right edit, and overall to work with the creative teams and the client on the scripts, injecting the perfect joke and rhythm. All together we will put a smile on the viewer’s face and make something that he will remember while understanding the message. Humor is a serious business, please enjoy my recent work.

Thanks for watching !

Kris Debusscher.